Sunday, October 4, 2009

Windows 7 is coming!!

Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7. 

You will be hearing a lot about the newest OS from Microsoft this month.  Oct 22nd is the official release date.  However, partners such as RNC have had Win 7 since early August.  :-)  This allows us to play with it and figure out all the great new things that come with it.

In short, this is by far the best release of Windows ever!  All the things that you typically hear from Microsoft whenever they release a new product are true regarding Windows 7.

It is faster, easier to use, great eye candy and a pleasure to work with.  We moved all of our desktops over to Win 7 the first week in August and have not looked back.  Install times are very fast so the total migration costs for clients will be reduced.

Laptop users are seeing definite improvements in battery life, speed and stability. Wireless connections are much easier and laptop users now never need to shutdown their laptops.  They just close the lid and let it go into sleep mode.  When they want to start using their laptop they just open the lid and BAM!  In under 2 seconds you are ready to start working.

Total game changer on using a laptop, no more 3 minute start times, no more dread in waiting to start working again.

Lastly, one of my favorite under the hood features is the new security feature called Bit Locker.  This came with Vista but only in the high end version.  It is now available in the Pro version of Win 7 and up.  This feature allows us to encrypt your entire hard drive.  What does this mean to you?  Ever wondered what would happen if you had your laptop stolen?  All your confidential emails and files were usually wide open for the bad guys to get access to.

Sure you have a login password but that is just a speed bump for any bad guy that wants in.  Bit Locker is another game changer when it comes to laptop security.  Now, if your laptop is stolen you can have peace of mind in knowing that all data on your laptop is super secure from the bad guys.

Want more info?  Take a look here: Windows 7 website

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