Monday, January 4, 2010

How many computers do you have in your home?

If you have kids I am guessing you have a least 3.  One for you, one for your wife or husband and one for the kids.  A common theme comes up several times a year:  My kids computer at home is running really slow or it has all kinds of viruses.  The usual answer is backup and reinstall Windows.  However, there is a new solution on the market that is a huge bonus for families and even micro companies.  Windows Home Server  This little guy does some really amazing things for households with multiple computers, Mac or PC.

First off it is really small and quiet.  Doesn’t use a mouse, keyboard or monitor and can fit almost anywhere.

You can have up to 10 computers access it and here is the short list of what it can do:

  • Backup all pc’s including Macs everyday and retain on average 3 months of daily backups.  Wouldn’t that be great to bring your kids pc back to 2 months ago when it was working perfect?  Takes about 30 minutes or less to do via 1 CD.  :-)
  • Creates a shortcut on everyone’s desktop that points to folders that can contain music, pictures, videos and documents that everyone can share.
  • Offers remote access back to your house to login to your pc or those important files or pictures all via a browser
  • Offers a nightly offsite backup service of all your info so if the house burns down or there is a theft you won’t lose all your photos or videos, etc.
  • Running out of storage space on the Home Server?  No problem buy another drive, insert it into the server and in 3 minutes you just added more space.

There are 2 different manufacturers right now.  HP and Acer.  HP offers more software options and better support but you do pay more.

They start out at around $400, (Acer) and go all the way up to $700 depending on what features you want. We recommend staying away from the HP LX195 model due to it only having 1 drive max.


So if you are looking to start fresh for the New Year this is a great way to go.



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